Dark matter

Dark matter remains a captivating mystery that eludes direct observation.

Female Philosopher
8 min readSep 28, 2023

It is a conjectured form of matter, believed to make up a staggering 85% of the universe’s matter.

The very term “dark” stems from its elusive nature, as it seemingly evades any interaction with the electromagnetic field.

This means that dark matter neither emits, reflects, nor absorbs electromagnetic radiation, rendering it immensely challenging to detect using conventional instruments.

However, it is important to note that dark matter is more than just a mere absence of visibility.

It is a hypothetical form of matter that is believed to be abundant throughout the universe, despite our inability to directly detect it. The term “hypothetical” here implies that dark matter is not conventional matter as we know it, consisting of atoms or protons.

Instead, it encompasses an invisible substance that exerts a gravitational influence on visible objects, such as galaxies, within the cosmos.

The concept of dark matter arises from the need to explain the peculiar behavior of galaxies, which appear to rotate at higher speeds than expected based on the observable amount of visible matter.

Numerous calculations suggest that if galaxies lacked a significant amount of unseen matter, their behavior would be markedly different. Some galaxies may not have formed at all, while others would exhibit altered movement patterns.

Various lines of evidence support the existence of dark matter.

Gravitational lensing, the cosmic microwave background, and the motion of galaxies within galaxy clusters, among other observations, all contribute to our understanding.

In the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, which describes the composition of the universe, dark matter constitutes approximately 26.8% of the total mass-energy content, with dark energy accounting for around 68.2%, and ordinary matter comprising a mere 5%.

Dark matter holds a position of cosmic significance, governing the universe and playing a vital role in shaping its structure. It can be envisioned as the celestial architect responsible for the formation of immense structures like galaxies and galaxy clusters. Without its pervasive presence, the very fabric of the universe would be fundamentally altered.

The quest to unravel the nature of dark matter continues to captivate scientists and researchers.

Astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky of Caltech provided the first evidence of its existence in 1933.

However, despite ongoing efforts, dark matter has eluded direct observation thus far, assuming it does indeed exist. It interacts faintly with regular matter and light, primarily through gravity, making its detection a formidable challenge.

Dark matter is believed to consist of yet-to-be-discovered particles, with candidates such as WIMPs and axions intriguing scientists.

Scientists are actively conducting experiments to detect and study these elusive particles, categorizing dark matter based on its velocity as “cold,” “warm,” or “hot.”

The prevailing theory, the cold dark matter scenario, suggests that structures form gradually over time by accumulating particles. While alternative theories have been proposed to modify the laws of general relativity and explain certain anomalous observations, none have fully accounted for all the observed phenomena. Thus, the existence of dark matter, in some form, remains a compelling necessity.

The concept of dark matter traces its roots back to early 20th-century astronomers like Lord Kelvin and Henri Poincaré, who posited the presence of unseen matter to elucidate various cosmic phenomena.

In 1933, Fritz Zwicky made significant strides by proposing the existence of “missing mass” to explain the velocities of galaxy clusters.

Alternative Theories

Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)

One notable alternative theory is Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), which suggests that our current understanding of gravity, as described by Newton’s laws and Einstein’s general relativity, may need to be modified at low acceleration regimes.

MOND proposes that the observed discrepancies in the behavior of galaxies can be explained by modifying the laws of gravity, rather than invoking the presence of unseen matter.

Emergent Gravity theory

Another alternative theory is the Emergent Gravity theory, put forward by physicist Erik Verlinde.

This theory suggests that gravity is not a fundamental force but instead emerges from the collective behavior of microscopic bits of information encoded in the fabric of spacetime.

In this framework, the gravitational effects attributed to dark matter can be explained by the entanglement of these bits of information.

Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs)

Hypothetical particles that are one of the proposed candidates for dark matter.

Quest to directly detect Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs):

Several experiments have been designed and are currently underway to capture a glimpse of these enigmatic particles. Here are a few notable examples:

The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment

LUX is a dark matter detector located deep underground in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, USA. It employs a tank filled with liquid xenon as the detection medium. As WIMPs pass through the xenon, they may collide with its atoms, producing tiny flashes of light and releasing electrons. The LUX experiment aims to detect these faint signals, providing potential evidence of WIMPs interacting with ordinary matter.

The XENON1T and XENONnT experiments

Building upon the success of the LUX experiment, the XENON collaboration operates the XENON1T experiment, located at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy. It employs a larger volume of liquid xenon and improved detection techniques to enhance the chances of capturing WIMP interactions.

The XENONnT experiment, an upgraded version of XENON1T, is currently underway and is expected to further improve sensitivity.

The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS)

The CDMS experiment, conducted at the Soudan Underground Laboratory in Minnesota, USA, employs a unique approach. It utilizes semiconductor detectors cooled to extremely low temperatures, close to absolute zero, to search for the tiny energy deposits resulting from WIMP interactions. By carefully monitoring these minuscule signals, the CDMS experiment aims to detect the elusive WIMPs.

The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCDMS)

This experiment, an evolution of the CDMS project, is designed to improve sensitivity further. It utilizes even colder temperatures and advanced detector technologies, such as superconducting sensors, to enhance the chances of detecting WIMP interactions. SuperCDMS is being conducted at the SNOLAB facility in Ontario, Canada.

These are just a few examples of the experiments dedicated to directly detecting WIMPs.

Many other experiments worldwide, such as DAMIC, CRESST, and EDELWEISS, employ various detection techniques and technologies in their pursuit of detecting these elusive particles.


DAMIC utilizes charge-coupled devices (CCDs), which are commonly found in digital cameras, as detectors. \

These detectors are sensitive to the ionization caused by particles interacting with the silicon atoms in the CCD. By carefully analyzing the ionization patterns, DAMIC aims to detect the rare interactions of WIMPs with silicon nuclei, providing insights into the properties of dark matter.


CRESST takes a different approach by employing superconducting thermometers made of crystals, such as tungsten or calcium tungstate, which are kept at extremely low temperatures.

When a particle interacts with these crystals, it deposits energy, causing a tiny increase in temperature.

This minute temperature rise is detected by the superconducting thermometers, allowing CRESST to search for the faint signals produced by WIMP interactions.


EDELWEISS, similar to CRESST, uses cryogenic detectors. It operates with germanium or silicon crystals cooled to ultra-low temperatures.

When a WIMP interacts with a nucleus in the crystal, it deposits energy that can be detected as a small ionization signal and a slight rise in temperature.

EDELWEISS employs sophisticated techniques to identify and distinguish these signals from background noise, enhancing the chances of detecting WIMP interactions.

What are some of the challenges researchers face in detecting and understanding dark matter?

Photo by Karo K. on Unsplash

Elusive Nature: Dark matter interacts weakly, if at all, with ordinary matter and electromagnetic radiation. This makes it incredibly challenging to directly detect dark matter particles.

Researchers must design highly sensitive detectors capable of capturing extremely rare interactions between dark matter and ordinary matter. The faint signals from these interactions are often overshadowed by background noise, further complicating the task.

Identifying Dark Matter Candidates: While there are several theoretical candidates for dark matter particles, their exact nature remains unknown. Researchers face the challenge of identifying the correct candidate among a multitude of possibilities. This requires careful consideration of theoretical models, experimental constraints, and the diverse range of observations, making the search for dark matter akin to searching for a needle in a cosmic haystack.

Background Noise: Dark matter experiments must contend with various sources of background noise that can mimic or mask the signals from potential dark matter interactions.

Cosmic rays, radioactive decays, and other natural and man-made phenomena can generate signals similar to those expected from dark matter particles. Distinguishing these background signals from genuine dark matter signals poses a significant challenge in the analysis and interpretation of experimental data.

Limited Detection Techniques: Different dark matter candidates may interact with ordinary matter through different mechanisms. Researchers must develop and employ a range of detection techniques to cover a broad spectrum of possible interactions.

This requires continuous innovation in detector technologies, data analysis methods, and theoretical frameworks to maximize the chances of detecting dark matter particles.

Astrophysical Uncertainties: Dark matter interacts gravitationally and plays a role in the formation and evolution of cosmic structures. However, fully understanding the astrophysical processes associated with dark matter remains challenging.

The complex interplay between dark matter, ordinary matter, and other astrophysical phenomena introduces uncertainties that can complicate the interpretation and modeling of experimental data.

Large Parameter Space: The search for dark matter encompasses a vast parameter space, including a wide range of particle masses, interaction strengths, and other properties. Exploring this parameter space thoroughly requires extensive computational resources and sophisticated statistical techniques to analyze and interpret the data effectively.

Scientist Claims Of Dark Matter Proof

The observation of galactic rotation curves.

Astronomers have observed that the rotational velocities of galaxies do not follow the expected patterns based on the visible matter alone. This discrepancy suggests the presence of additional mass, commonly attributed to dark matter.

Another debated claim revolves around the detection of potential signals from dark matter interactions in underground detectors like DAMA/LIBRA and the recently reported XENON1T excess.

These experiments have reported signals that could potentially be attributed to dark matter particles interacting with ordinary matter.



Female Philosopher
Female Philosopher

Written by Female Philosopher

Rigorous thinker & analyzer of ideas transmuted into unique perspectives covering vast dimensions. Abstract insights benefit #everyone...

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