No Control?
Upon first glance, it comes off like a preposterous concept to denote that humans aren’t in control of our own steps, that our determinations and conduct are pre-determined.
When we closely examine the arguments for free will, it becomes clear that it is, in fact, an illusion.
Environmental and Cultural
Our environments and sociocultural conditions form our behavior and dictate how we live our lives.
We make determinations that are indirectly influenced by our upbringing and familial skeletal structures, developing our set of values, along with the control that institutional and systemic forces have on our psyches.
We are products of collective experiences, some of which are out of our control.
Our conclusions are also heavily influenced by our biological makeup and neurological biology. Neuro-chemical processes in our brains play a crucial part in our decision-making.
Brain Chemicals
Serotonin, oxytocin, cortisol, and dopamine all impact our behavior in a variety of ways. We have biological limitations that result in our choices being limited, even when they feel like they are freely made.
Unseen Forces
Our lives are filled with unseen, uncontrollable forces. We can’t control our pasts, and even in the present, our choices are not always our own.
If free will is an illusion, then it begs the question of what is determinism?
This is the belief that we are ultimately incapable of making free choices and that our lives are shaped by predetermined causes. It suggests that the future is already written, predetermining all events that must unfold. It seems that if we accept that free will is an illusion, then determinism must be embraced in its place.
God has predetermined the paths that our lives will take.
Human Will Hates Gods Predeterminism
This idea of a predetermined destiny can feel very restrictive to humans, as it goes against our deeply rooted feeling of freedom and free will.
After all, we all feel that we have the ability to make our own decisions and shape our lives as we see fit. But if our destiny is predetermined by a higher power, does this mean that free will is an illusion?
When we examine the concept of free will from the perspective of God, the answer to this question becomes clear.
Although it may seem like we are entirely free to make our judgments, our limited human perception prevents us from being able to see outside of our present moment in time and space. In other words, our current choices are deeply limited by our lack of knowledge and wisdom.
God’s will and ways are far beyond anything we could ever imagine or understand.
His plans are so intricate and complex that they can only be seen and understood through the lens of the divine. Because of this, the feeling of free will that we have is just an illusion—a product of our five-sense limitations.
So while it may feel like we have the ability to make our own choices, our destiny is really determined by a power greater than ourselves—God.
His will and ways are different from ours, and He has created a beautiful, intricate plan that only He can see.
All we can do is step out in faith, trusting that whatever path He has chosen for us will bring us joy