Embracing Our Shadows
A journey towards wholeness and self realization for Christians and non-Christians.
Self-realization: The process of understanding and actualizing one’s true and authentic self, including their potential, purpose, and values.
Mind Power
Our minds have the power to create either a world of chaos or stability through our perception.
Mind this:
On Earth, humanity experiences a profound duality, characterized by the simultaneous coexistence of chaos and stability. The chaotic element within each individual arises from the aspects of ourselves that we sometimes tend to repress and conceal within the inner recesses of our subconscious.
The disintegration of these fragments has been observed during periods of childhood trauma and abandonment, leading to the emergence of a profound disconnect from significant facets of our own identity.
In our innocence, we believed that denying these parts would lead to acceptance and love from our caregivers.
This self-denial served as a defense mechanism, a way to survive.
While society often encourages us to bury the past and move on, we must recognize that it remains an integral part of who we are. The memories and experiences of our past are deeply intertwined within our being and shape our present reality.
By rejecting these hidden parts, we become trapped in an endless cycle controlled by their influence. Our reactions, choices, judgments, and even our personality are shaped by this rejected self.
The only way to break free from this cycle is to embrace and integrate these forgotten parts.
When we are triggered or overwhelmed by intense emotions, it is as if our rejected inner child takes over. During such moments, we may act contrary to our intended behavior.
It is through this profound confrontation with our own shadows that we discover a path towards wholeness and self-realization.
As a Christian, if you do not remember, how can you repent?
To be holy simply means to be whole or complete in the Hebrew.
If you are fragmented, you cannot be Holy, and wholeness cannot coexist with brokenness; it is not possible.