Nightmares: A Spectral Guide

With every haunting nightmare an opportunity to summon courage and resilience is ignited.

Female Philosopher
5 min readJan 24, 2024
Photo by Rahul Viswanath on Unsplash

Without darkness, the intensity of the light that emerges beyond the shadows cannot be rightly appreciated.

Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

To some, this may seem counterintuitive.

Darkness is associated with negativity, fear, and uncertainty…

…It is precisely because of these aspects of darkness that the intensification of Light becomes powerful & awe-inspiring, leaving us no option but to praise Him.

In a world, where an artificial brightness perpetually envelopes us, shielding us from darkness, we are deprived from experiencing the full essence of life.

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Without the contrasting interplay of Light and dark, we are devoid of the intense vibrancy that God calls us to live in… dark & light / Joy & pain are the fullness of Life.

Relief of Darkness Invokes Praise

Without the dark, there would be no variation or contrast in our perspective, and as a result, there would be no opportunity for authentic admiration and genuine appreciation for the One Who is the brilliance of Light.

Photo by Tobias Keller on Unsplash

It is the existence of darkness that enables us to genuinely comprehend and experience a thankful heart in the midst of pain.

Discernment is found within the Illuminated Darkness.

When we find ourselves engulfed in the black hole, whether it be metaphorically in our lives or physically in the absence of light, it is difficult to see beyond the shadows.

Photo by Sean Sinclair on Unsplash

We become trapped, lost, and blinded by our own limitations and lack of growth.

In the depths of despair, even the tiniest flicker of light has a profound impact on our lives.

Photo by Dyu - Ha on Unsplash

The presence of God is never overlooked when we fully experience our emotions, the good and ugly.

He offers guidance, solace, and the assurance that there is an reward when the darkness is endured– and not just any reward, but we’re distanced from the deceptive ploy of the artificial light.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

When the Divine Light of God, Who is God, emerges, He radiates with full brilliance, evoking within us a profound and genuine sense of Worship.

This deep longing can only be born through trials and tribulations due to our dual nature. Born into a life characterized by darkness, suffering, and pain, we await eternal life and bliss.

Photo by Manos Kolovouris on Unsplash

However, it is this very struggle that will ultimately lead us to freedom from these earthly burdens.

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As the flame flickers in a pitch-black room, the true flame casts its gentle illumination. You begin to see as your vision adjusts, and it slowly dispels the darkness, as well as your blindness.

A bright led light will blind you…

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

The Contrast Captivates

This contrast is what captivates our soul and touches us deep within our souls.

Photo by Matt Antonioli on Unsplash

In the same way, the darkness in our lives allows us to savor the moments of joy, success, and triumph.

It gives us the opportunity to fully embrace and celebrate the Light that emerges, genuinely grateful.

Without the stark difference between light and darkness, these moments would lose their impact.

Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash

Do not fear the darkness, but rather recognize its role in heightening the power and effect of the Worship of God when His Light saves you out of the dark.

If you do fear darkness, it’s okay, walk through it still, as the payout is well worth the walk …

I Thank God For My Nightmares Today

When the demons in my dreams terrify me, encasing my body, they arrest my soul into paralysis... As I sleep, sweating, screaming, and hyperventilating Knowing I need to awaken, I am aware that I’m enslaved within another dimension, facing a death of sorts...

Yet, when I finally awaken, i couldn’t even fathom the gratitude I feel, it’s a Joy & Elation never before known.

I am incredibly thankful, with no other desire but to express gratitude to God, because of the darkness.

Over the years, these nightmares have allowed me to experience the contrasting wrath of hatred in Light of love, I wouldn’t otherwise Know a Love like this.

Every morning, I wake up with sincere gratitude to God for granting me this profound relief.

Contrast is like a prism through which we perceive our experiences.

Photo by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash

Contrast magnifies the dynamic interplay between darkness and Light.

Hope pierces through obscurity with profound brilliance, due to the darkness.

Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash

The contrast intensifies our sensory experience, making each ray of light, each flicker of awareness, and each glimpse of eternity appear even brighter, more vivid, and more profound.

Photo by chris liu on Unsplash

Contrast is the catalyst that allows us to fully embrace our humanity, facing our own shadiws, fearlessly because we didn’t run from darkness but rather, Trust our Creator.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

This dichotomy of life amplifies our capacity for discernment and depth of meaning were able wete to comprehend- Discernment is found between the shadows and the Light.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash



Female Philosopher
Female Philosopher

Written by Female Philosopher

Rigorous thinker & analyzer of ideas transmuted into unique perspectives covering vast dimensions. Abstract insights benefit #everyone...

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