Sometimes Our Regeneration Will Be Punished
Fear not what kills the Body, fear what kills the soul.
When God changes your heart and mind, elevating your desires above the old earthly ones, people may begin to resent you. Especially if you don’t project an outwardly “holy” image. They may not verbalize their resentment, but they will behave in hateful ways while claiming to love you, even being offended if you question them.
The truth is hate and love aren’t simple feelings, they’re actions.
The more you genuinely care for toxic people through seeking understanding, and offering wisdom without condemnation, the more they will unconsciously resent your presence. As you model stability and strive to understand rather than project your biases onto them, you appear as the enemy.
In games of blame, those who don’t play are blamed.
When you love the people in a dysfunctional dynamic but oppose the dysfunction itself, they will turn on you. When you’re authentic and true to yourself, consistent yet vulnerable with genuine joy, they will accuse you of lying. They gossip, inventing stories to fill gaps with damning details. Why? Because they experience shallow joy through tangible things, feigning joy to keep up appearances or manipulate others.
They won’t allow God’s beauty in you to shine while tainting their image.
I’ve seen many depend on draining others’ energy for joy through gossip, drama and motive assumptions without evidence. Their relief feels energetic. They need constant replenishing, routine gossip creates flying monkeys to do their bidding. They pretend you share their emotional intelligence and convict you of lying, quoting every flaw they perceive.
Your sadness and anger stay within as you witness the betrayal. You take it, wanting peace.
Your withdrawal, sadness and hesitation are analyzed with accusatory scrutiny as they seek ammunition. They seek faults in others, betray and abuse while claiming righteousness. They use tactics to remain “right” as admitting trauma they caused is something they fear, appearing heartless devils though that’s how they act while image is their god.
God’s strength is in you. As this is His decision, you’re tested by fire to burn away chaff, however often He drenches you.
He protects your inner being, storing wrath for those who don’t repent while harming others to protect pride, storing frightening wrath for themselves as they scheme others’ demise.
You won’t be avenged now, but as they harm others to protect pride, they store up wrath for themselves because they scheme and plan others’ demise.
What does Satan mean again? Oh yeah: