Female Philosopher
6 min readOct 9, 2023


Increasing deception will mark the end of this age.

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“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” — Matthew 24:24

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:9–10

What Is Deception?

Deception can be defined as the act of intentionally misleading someone by concealing the truth or promoting false beliefs.

Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

The key elements of deception are:

Concealment — Withholding relevant information from someone or hiding the truth from them. This includes lies by omission.

False suggestions — Presenting falsehoods or incorrect implications to someone as if they are true. This includes outright lies.

Promoting false beliefs — Causing someone to hold beliefs that are untrue through the use of concealment, false suggestions, or other misleading tactics.

Intent — Deception requires an intent to mislead. Simply being mistaken or inaccurate is not necessarily deception.

Motivation — There is typically some goal or motivation underlying the use of deception, such as avoiding embarrassment, gaining an advantage, or influencing someone’s actions.

Violation of trust — Deception violates principles of honesty, transparency and good faith that are expected in many relationships and interactions.

Photo by Minh Trần on Unsplash

In Greek, it is defined as "roaming" or "wandering."

The word implies that a deceived person has been seduced or lead astray.

The peculiar thing about deception is that no one who is deceived knows it or will ever admit it because doing so would mean they are no longer deceived.


The word “deception” has its origins in Latin. It comes from the verb decipere, which is composed of two parts:

De- prefix meaning “away” or “aside

Capere meaning “to take” or “to grasp

So the literal Latin meaning of decipere is “to take away” or “to catch by cheating.”

Photo by Ali Abdul Rahman on Unsplash

It implies the idea of ensnaring, tricking, or misleading someone away from the truth.

This Latin root gave rise to the noun deceptio, meaning deceiving or misleading. This entered Old French as deception. By the early 14th century, it was adopted into English with the same core meaning it still holds today.

The English word “deceive” also traces back to decipere.

Other English words derived from the same root include deceptive, deceit, and deceitful.

Deception can cause:

Damage to Trust: Deception breaks down trust between individuals and within organizations. When one person deceives another, it creates a sense of distrust that can be difficult to repair.

Reputation Damage: Deception can damage an organization's reputation. If customers and potential clients perceive an organization as dishonest, they may take their business elsewhere.

Legal Issues: In some cases, deception can lead to legal issues. If an individual or organization engages in fraudulent or deceptive practices, they may face legal consequences.

Emotional Toll: Deception can take an emotional toll on individuals who are deceived. It can cause feelings of betrayal, anger, and hurt.

Ruined Relationships: Deception can ruin relationships between individuals. If someone is caught lying or deceiving another person, it can damage the relationship beyond repair.

Deception is a harmful force that can have long-lasting, negative effects. It tears apart lives, robs individuals of their dreams, and steals away joy and peace.

Throughout the Christian scriptures, deception is identified as a weapon used by the enemy, seeking to undermine and harm God’s people.

Victims rarely realize they are a target.

Deception is a cunning tool of the enemy, designed to lure us away from the truth and entangle us in its snares.

It disguises itself as something attractive and alluring, seeking to pull us into its web of lies.

We must be vigilant and discerning, for behind the facade of deception lies a sinister agenda.

This deception has infiltrated every facet of our society - from the media, to the economy, to the government, and even within the church itself. False ideologies and flawed theology are leading many astray, blurring the lines of God's truth and compromising His righteous standards.

"Do not be deceived: 'Bad company ruins good morals.’" - 1 Corinthians 15:33

Undoubtedly, the world is being prepared for the emergence of the Antichrist, the epitome of deception in this age.

As people of faith, we must remain steadfast in our beliefs, anchored in the teachings of the Scriptures.

We are called to discern the spirits and test everything against the Word of God. The enemy may try to paint deception as something shiny and enticing, but we must not be swayed by its allure. Instead, let us hold fast to the truth, for it is only by knowing the truth that we can escape the clutches of deception.

“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

- 1 John 4:1

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”

-Colossians 2:8

“But test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”

-1 Thessalonians 5:21–22

May God grant us wisdom and discernment in these trying times.

Be Alert and Watchful

“Man is not to live on bread only. Man is to live by every word that God speaks.” Matthew 4:4

Pursue sound doctrine

"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." 1 Timothy 4:16

Exercise biblical discernment

"But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." - Hebrews 5:14

Examine all things

"But test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21




Female Philosopher
Female Philosopher

Written by Female Philosopher

Rigorous thinker & analyzer of ideas transmuted into unique perspectives covering vast dimensions. Abstract insights benefit #everyone...

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