Your Inner child Is Pissed — At You
From Within – Rejection. Betrayal.
My inner child resides in the depths of my soul,
Secrets & dreams that’ll never be told, hidden parts of her playing her role as my deeply un-settled inner child that is actually me.
The Shadow
The Shadow is the unconscious part of the psyche that holds the memories, emotions and thoughts that have been disconnected or repressed.
Your Shadow is the part of you that you are not consciously aware of, yet it influences your behaviors, routines, triggers, and reactions.
Your Shadow contains the experiences and ideas that you have consciously forgotten and/ or rejected.
Your shadow holds your deepest secrets, your hidden desires, your hidden fears and your hidden potentials that are outside of your awareness.
The Shadow
—Dwelling Place of Your Inner Cold
The Shadow is the dwelling place of your inner child, it holds your innocence, your creativity, your spontaneity and your playfulness.
It is able to access your unharnessed inner wisdom and knowing.
It is able to access your intuition, your imagination and your dreams.
It is the part of you that can help you heal and grow.
The Shadow is a powerful and often misunderstood part of us.
A source of fear and anxiety.
The Shadow is a place of darkness, darkening your recall of everything.
Overshadowed by the unconscious, hence the term "shadow."
The shadow is unfelt by the conscious mind
Inner Child
The Inner Child is the part of yourself that has been rejected since childhood & you likely have no awareness of him or her.
The Unconscious is where impulsive actions, projections, avoidance, and whimsical behavior stem from.
Projection is from a place of defense, a reaction of the child you were (are), the child acts in accordance with the age he or she was at the moment you split.
When you display toxic and immature behavior, even though you intended not to, and find yourself questioning why you acted in such a way, it is due to a defense mechanism employed by your ego.
Defense Mechanism – Avoidance
This defense mechanism is triggered when you encounter someone possessing a trait that reminds you of a personality or persona that is buried in the depths of your Unconscious Mind.
Mind you: you have no awareness of this until you work through your Shadow.
Good Qualities are Disowned In The Shadow
The child-like parts of yourself that you once deemed "dangerous" due to their association with the trauma are not “bad” there are actually good parts of you trapped in the shadow too.
This is the you that is vulnerable, trusting, open, and kind.
Caregivers and abusers may have made you believe that these parts of yourself were bad.
…but that’s not true.
Stunted Growth
Unfortunately, you rejected these aspects of yourself and as a result, they were not allowed to develop and mature with the rest of your personality as you grew older.
These aspects of yourself are stunted.
Although we try to hide it, our weaknesses often surface at times when we are confronted with something reminding our conscious mind of the contents of our Shadow, it is a trigger.
Fear of Darkness
Our inner child dislikes darkness and when we reject or deny those parts of ourselves, we imprison our inner child.
Many people die never even knowing that a part of themselves was imprisoned within the dark recesses of their mind.
However, it’s possible to discover this and then do the work, which is very, very painful and can destroy your life as you know it.
Truth Of Self Hurts
This is why it can be challenging to confront our shadow: we must acknowledge that we have betrayed and disowned ourselves, and then, after coming to that understanding, we realize our entire life is a lie.
We realize everything we believe is not true.
We’ve created constructs with the logic of a child and been functioning in childish ways, and never healing, only coping.
Believing ourselves to be an image that isn’t real, and to face this is really, really difficult and takes a lot of self-honesty and self-denial…
You will face EGO DEATH.
We will find we have pushed away a significant part of our being and allowed ourselves to be destroyed by our own mind in an effort to please those who could never be satisfied.
The betrayal is overwhelming.
We find after doing Shadow Work that the bitterness and anger we feel towards others is directed in a way that aids in helping us avoid facing these rejected parts of ourselves…
And the cycle continues…